Synthesis of liquid random carboxylic butadiene-acrylonitrile rubber with high nitrile group content 高腈基含量无规羧基丁腈液体橡胶的合成
Characterization and properties of ionomers of hydrogenated carboxylic styrene-butadiene rubber and its blends with polyethylene 聚乙烯是否能生物降解氢化羧基丁苯橡胶离聚体的表征及其与聚乙烯共混
The proportion of carboxylic and phenolic groups in the humic acid was higher and the aliphatic and aromatic groups and polysaccharide-like substances were lower in the secondary forest than in the soils from the cropland and rubber tree plantation. 次生林转变为农田和橡胶园后,胡敏酸中羧基和酚基结构比例降低,而脂肪族、芳香族和多聚糖比例增加。